Saturday, September 22, 2012

Ranfla Night

Finding myself bored from playing with my plastic tweety bird keychain with the giant plastic house keys and not yet having mastered the art of talking (or anything else for that matter), I lay on my tummy watching mommy fold the laundry while listening to the oldies station on pandora. Alas, she came over and picked me up and we glided to the bedroom all the while listening to her talk about how we needed to get ready because daddy was on his way home and was taking us out.

Daddy finally got home, excited as can be and rambling non-stop about something called a "ranfla". "Ranfla this" and "ranfla that" he would say and only just having turned four months old and not being experienced in very much I pondered, "What is 'ranfla'?"

As it turns out, after daddy's arrival and after a quick 5 minute drive while listening to Rosie and The Originals' "Angel Baby" we get to the world famous Bob's Big Boy on Riverside Dr. in Burbank, CA and that's where I realized what my daddy was talking about... CARS! But not just any old cars. I'm talking about some of the coolest and baddest old skool classics and hot rods to ever hit the asphalt and also what daddy referred to as Ranflas!

It was awesome! Cool cars and cool folks all over the place. I couldn't help but giggle every time mommy complained about the smell of car exhaust and how daddy would say he loved that same smell. Hilarious!

Only one drawback...I wish I were a little older so I wouldn't have fallen asleep after the first 20 minutes.

PS That's a shot of me and my old folks but a sick 51 Merc rolled by and caught my attention at that exact moment :D

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