Monday, October 29, 2012

Liquids vs. Solids vs. Ninjas

In was recently introduced to the most greatest and funnest thing I've experienced in my short time...solid foods. Not only are they more filling than my usual liquid diet but they also double as some of the most bad ass flying projectiles I've seen when combined with a precisely timed swing of my arm aim at an ominously approaching spoonful of infant cereal. That moment right there, ladies and gents, trumps all the other spectacularly awkward parent moments I have achieved to create.

What are these moments, you ask? I'm talking about those moments where mom and dad get super upset because I have once again managed to fling my food onto the table, the wall, the ceiling, the wall ACROSS the room, mom, dad, AND myself in one single ultimate baby ninja move. And the best part is that I just unite my mystic baby ninja mind powers in a combo with a wickedly cute two-toothed baby smile and they forget all about it.

So to sum it all up, in a battle of liquids vs. solids, I would have to say that the solid warriors would win... but ultimately it is the baby ninja that prospers. (I love being a baby ninja!)